Berdasarkan laporan Amnesty Internasional 2016/2017, kebebasan berpendapat dan berasoasiasi di Indonesia masih dibatasi oleh beberapa UU yang samar-samar. Terlepas dari komitmen Aparat untuk menyelesaikan pelanggaran HAM di masa lalu, keluarga masih berusaha mencari keberanaran dan keadilan.
Permasalahan-permasalahan yang terjadi adalah Kebebasan Berekspresi, misalnya salah seorang Aktivis dari Ternate, Maluku Utara, didakwa melakukan ‘pemberontakan’ karena memposting foto T-shirt online dengan karikatur simbol komunis. Pembahasaan di UU ITE juga sangat samar, dimana definisi luas akan penghinaan dan penghujatan, serta kriminalisasi ekspresi. Sedikitnya 11 aktivis dilaporkan kepada polisi oleh aktor negara atau non negara untuk melakukan penghinaan di bawah UU ITE, setelah para aktivis ini mengkritik kebijakan pemerintah.
Hak-hak LGBTI juga disorot di tahun 2016, pada Februari, polisi melarang workshop yang dilakukan oleh LSM LGBTI dijakarta, dan melarag demonstrasi pro-LGBTI yang berlangsung di Jogjakarta. Di bulan yang sama, Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia mengeluarkan surat yang melarang siaran televisi atau radio dalam mempromosikan aktivitas LGBTI, untuk “melindungi anak-anak”. Sekolah Islam untuk masyarakat transgender, Al Fatah di Jogjakarta dipaksa tutup karena adanya intimidasi dan ancaman dari Front Jihad Islam.
Kebebasan beragama juga merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi terhadap kelompok-kelompok minoritas, seperti kepada gerakan Gafatar di Kabupaten Menpawah, Kalimantan Barat. 2000 orang terpaksa pindah kepada tempat tinggal sementara di Kabupaten Kubu Raya dan Pontianak dan kemudian dipindahkan ke Pulau Jawa tanpa adanya Konsultasi terlebih dahulu. Februari 2016, SKB No. 93/2016 dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Agama, Jaksa Agung, dan Menteri Dalam Negeri yang melarang faham dan keyakinan ‘Millah Abraham’, yang diyakini oleh mantan anggota-anggota sebuah organisasi yang dikenal sebagai Gafatar.
Impunitas salah satunya saat pada bulan September, Presiden Widodo membuat janji publik untuk menyelesaikan kasus pembela hak asasi manusia Munir Said Thalib. Pada bulan Oktober, Komisi Informasi Publik memutuskan bahwa laporan tahun 2005 mengenai pembunuhannya, yang dilaporkan melibatkan petugas intelijen senior, harus dipublikasikan. Pemerintah mengajukan banding atas putusan tersebut.
Kemudian mengenai kekuatan Polisi dan aparat keamanan, termasuk penggunaan senjata api, kurangnya mekanisme independen, imparsial dan efektif untuk menginvestigasi kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh aparat keamanan. Tidak ada progress pada kasus yang membunuh empat orang setelah polisi dan personil militer menembaki kerumunan demonstrasi di kabupaten Paniai, Provinsi Papua. Pada oktober terjadi penyerangan terhadap jurnalis yang meliput berita perkelahian antar anggota unit militer dan sebuah kelompok bela diri di Madiun Jawa Timur, terlepas dari janji untuk menginvestigasi serangan ini, tidak ada yang ditahan sampai akhir tahun.
Pemaparan diatas hanya ringkasan dari Laporan Amnesty International, untuk membaca selengkapnya silahkan klik di
Based on the Amnesty International 2016/2017 report, the rights to freedom of expression, of peaceful assembly and of association. Despite the authorities’ commitments to resolve past cases of human rights violations, millions of victims and their families were still denied truth, justice and reparation.
The problems that used to happened is the freedom of expression. One of the case is an activist from Ternate, North Maluku, was charged with “rebellion” for posting online a photo of a T-shirt with a caricature of the communist hammer and sickle symbol. The vague language in the 2008 Electronic Information and Transaction (ITE) Law allowed for the wide interpretation of definitions of defamation and blasphemy, and the criminalization of expression. At least 11 other activists were reported to the police by state or non-state actors for criminal defamation under the ITE Law after the activists criticized government policies.
LGBTI Rights also been another highlight for 2016, in February police disbanded a workshop organized by a leading LGBTI NGO in Jakarta and prevented a pro-LGBTI rally from taking place in Yogyakarta. In the same month, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission issued a letter calling for a ban on any television or radio broadcasts promoting LGBTI activities, to “protect the children”. he Islamic school for transgender people, Al Fatah in Yogyakarta, was forced to close following intimidation and threats by the Islamic Jihadist Front.
Freedom of religion and belief happened to restrict the activities of members of minority religious groups using the discriminatory legislation. In January, a mob set alight nine houses belonging to members of the Gafatar movement in Menpawah District, West Kalimantan. After the attacks, at least 2,000 people were forcibly moved by local security forces to temporary shelters in Kubu Raya District and Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province, and later transferred to locations on Java without prior consultation. In February, a Joint Ministerial decree (No.93/2016) was issued by the Minister of Religious Affairs, the Attorney General and the Minister of Home Affairs proscribing the Millah Abraham religious belief, adhered to by former members of Gafatar.
Impunity, one of several example, happened in September President Widodo made a public pledge to resolve the case of human rights defender Munir Said Thalib. In October, the Public Information Commission ruled that the 2005 report into his killing, which reportedly implicated senior intelligence officers, should be made public. The government appealed against the ruling.
Other thing is about police and security forces, including he use of firearms, by police and military, and of the lack of independent, effective and impartial mechanisms to investigate violations by security forces. There was no progress towards holding to account those involved in the killing of four men in December 2014 after police and military personnel opened fire on a crowd of protesters in Paniai regency, Papua Province. In October, members of the Madiun Infantry 501 Raider Battalion attacked a journalist from NET TV who was covering a brawl between members of a military unit and a martial arts group in Madiun, East Java Province. Despite promises by the Armed Forces chief to investigate the attack, no one had been held to account at the end of the year.
Those explanation only summary from the Amnesty International Report, to read the full report please click