BerandaLaporan ProgramLaporan Kerja Sama ICCO 2014-2015

Laporan Kerja Sama ICCO 2014-2015

Program Name: Forum for Business, Government and CSO Sector

Program Context :

This program has been delivered within a context and continuing challenges presented by the relatively weak position of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and a lack of trust from government and the private sector, in working together to realize democracy and community empowerment. Besides, there is the lack of trust stems from long-standing differences (old perspectives pre-1968 reforms) between sectors (NGOs, government and corporates). Many NGOs still think that the government is still using dated approaches (paradigms) to democracy, without the need to apply procedures that result long in community empowerment.

The main attention of the partnership is to encourage intensive communication and cooperation in the context of building awareness to uphold the principles of human rights and sustainable development. Some activities related to the partnership have been published on the website of the NGO Council Indonesia. In 2015, these efforts were recognised in the report of the National Team to Accelerate Poverty (TNP2K), a cross-sector institutions at the central level that is directly responsible to the President. The results of the partnership, that the strengthening of confidence between companies, governments and NGOs is demonstrated by the increasing number of examples of co-operation between companies and NGOs in the past two years (2014-2015). Cooperation between NGOs and companies involved not only cooperation in the utilization of funds CSR but also developed cooperation with other models.

For full information, click here, ICCO Report 2014-2015

Appreciation from ICCO, click here.

Nama Program : Forum for Business, Government and CSO Sector

Konteks Program:

Konteks utama yang melatarbelakangi program ini adalah posisi LSM yang lemah dibanding pemerintah dan perusahaan serta kurangnya kepercayaan antara satu dengan yang lain dalam bekerja sama mewujudkan demokrasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Selain itu kurangnya kepercayaan antar sektoral (LSM, pemerintah dan perusahaan). Perbedaan cara pandang lama (sebelum reformasi) masih melekat hingga kini. LSM masih beranggapan bahwa pemerintah masih menggunakan pendekatan (paradigma) lama dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan demokrasi hanya prosedural tanpa perlu menerapkan demokrasi substansial.

Perhatian kemitraan utamanya adalah mendorong terjadinya komunikasi yang intensif dan kerja sama dalam konteks membangun kesadaran untuk menegakkan prinsip-prinsip HAM dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Beberapa kegiatan berkaitan kemitraan dipublikasikan di website Konsil LSM Indonesia. Pada tahun 2015, upaya-upaya yang dilakukan Konsil LSM Indonesia telah menjadi referensi dalam laporan Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K), suatu lembaga lintas sektor di tingkat pusat yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Presiden RI. Selain itu juga hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah Mulai menguatnya posisi LSM terhadap perusahaan dan pemerintah serta Menguatnya kepercayaan di antara perusahaan, pemerintah dan LSM.

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap silahkan klik, Program Kerja Sama ICCO 2014-2015

Apresiasi dari ICCO, klik disini (english).


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