The Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO), Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC) and CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation organized a workshop titled “Strengthening Accountability of the Civil Society Sector” last 14th December 2011 at The Sulo Riviera Hotel, Matalino Road, Diliman, Quezon City and 15th December 2011 at the Institute of Social Order, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City. According to Katsuji Imata, Deputy Secretary General of CIVICUS, “(Self-regulation) is an area that needs a lot of exploration, which we can demonstrate with good practices”. The workshop brought together 36 representatives from national umbrella organizations across the world, organizers of self-regulation initiatives, civil society organizations, development aid agencies, and government agencies that are working on accountability and governance issues within the civil society sector. “Our work for developing self-regulatory mechanisms appear daunting and burdensome, but can also be exciting and challenging especially when talking about self-regulatory mechanisms in our country” observed Pat Sarenas, Chair of CODE-NGO and MINCODE. The Strengthening the Accountability of the Civil Society Sector workshop provided a venue to share experiences on CSO self-regulation, draw lessons from these, and identify ways to improve self-regulation both in the Philippines and in other countries.
Strengthening the Accountability of the Civil Society Sector
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