BerandaBukuThe Management of Non-Governmental Development Organizations

The Management of Non-Governmental Development Organizations

book coverThe profile of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the developing world has increased dramatically over the past decade. International and local NGOs have moved centre stage within international, national and local efforts to eradicate poverty, and are now seen as an important element of ‘civil society’, a concept which has been given increasing importance, alongside the state and market sectors, by policy makers. Drawing upon current research in non-profit management, development administration and management theory, this book explores the newly emerging field of the management of NGOs working in the area of poverty reduction in developing countries. By giving equal attention to the activities, relationships and internal structure of the NGO, the author develops a composite model of NGO management which seeks to analyses the distinctive challenges faced by these organizations.



Download the here for the book : The Management of Non-Governmental Development Organizations – An Introduction

Author : David Lewis

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(Jl. H. Rais A. Rahman, Gg. Gunung Kerinci II No. 15A, Pontianak 78116, Kalimantan Barat)

Perkumpulan Yascita

(Jl. La Ute III No. 9Mandonga Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara)

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