BerandaBerita InternalAmazing Experience Interning at Konsil LSM Indonesia

Amazing Experience Interning at Konsil LSM Indonesia

Last Month, January – Februari 2017 Konsil LSM as the Host Organisation Partner of ACICIS having the intern in the office. The young and motivated student help us to grow bigger. Meet Joshua Green, read his stories below:

IMG_20170316_135919The Australian Consortium ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) gave me the opportunity to work as an intern for 4 weeks at Konsil LSM Indonesia. It was amazing experience interning at Konsil LSM Indonesia. It was a safe and supportive working environment. My work colleagues offered my guidance on how to complete my assigned work tasks as helping me practice my Indonesian speaking skills.

One of the most valuable lessons I learnt from my experience with Konsil LSM Indonesia was the importance of NGO accountability in Indonesia. Our supervisor Emeralda gave me the opportunity to listen and participate in Konsil LSM Indonesia meetings/discussions regarding future projects that can further improve their NGO client’s accountability within Indonesia.

During my internship I was given the responsibility to translate the 2015-2016 Yearly Report of Konsil LSM Indonesia, which allowed me to understand how Konsil LSM Indonesia operates in Indonesia, the type of NGOs they represent and the principles they wish to achieve.

One of the highlights of my time at Konsil LSM Indonesia was sharing and learning the differences between Indonesian and Australian cultures. For instance, another Australian intern and myself celebrated Australia Day in Indonesia by creating a quiz game for our work colleagues, which focused on Australia’s culture and history. This game gave us the opportunity to interact with our work colleagues more in the office and also promoting the importance of maintaining relationships between Indonesia and Australia.

I highly recommend to anyone who is interested in working/gaining understanding about NGO accountability, should apply to work for Konsil LSM. (JG)

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Jl. Bahagia by Pass, No. 11/35, Medan, Sudirejo 1, 20218

Lembaga Penelitian Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES)

Jl. Pangkalan Jati No. 71 Cinere Depok

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