BerandaBerita InternalInterning at Konsil LSM : Rewarding and Enjoyable Experience

Interning at Konsil LSM : Rewarding and Enjoyable Experience

Last Month, January – Februari 2017 Konsil LSM as the Host Organisation Partner of ACICIS having the intern in the office. The young and motivated student help us to grow bigger. Meet Annie Jiang, read her stories below:

1Interning at Konsil LSM was a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Before interning, I was concerned about not being able to contribute to the organization as an intern; however Konsil made me feel like I was valuable member to the team and was very accommodating to me. Konsil was very welcoming from day 1 when Eme, our mentor gave us a presentation on Konsil till the last day when they hosted a “Who wants to be an Indonesian” quiz for us.  We were able to participate in meetings and voice our opinion.  I was curious about Konsil’s NGO members so Eme arranged a meeting with ASPPUK. Konsil made us feel as equal and part of the team.

Konsil gave me a safe space to learn and cultivate my practice as a graphic designer. At first, my role was to make infographics on each of Konsil’s member NGO. I was able to work closely with Eme, which taught me the important skill of communication as a graphic designer. Furthermore, Konsil later allowed us to make an Instagram account for them and placed me as admin on their Facebook page. Josh and I ran a campaign on Instagram promoting with the 16 code of ethics posting every second day, with the help of Eme and Susan. We had fun throwing creative ideas while feeling rewarded by the increasing likes and helping get Konsil name out to the world.

2One of the many highlights at Konsil was celebrating Australia day. On Australia day, we hosted a quiz about Australia called “Who wants to be an Aussie” and had a delicious Indonesian-version lamington cake, symbolic of a united relationship between Australia and Indonesia.

Another highlight is lunchtime. I looked forward coming down everyday to be delighted to see what foods Mas Mukgi had made for us. I am grateful for his food because if it weren’t for him I may not know the vast range of food in Indonesia Cuisine. He did test my ability of spicy food, although the deliciousness of the food overrode the spiciness level.  I was panting red, sweating, mouth unable to speak from the spiciness of the sambal but still eating because it was that good.

Overall, I enjoyed interning everyday at Konsil and would look forward to the next.  Interning there has helped me progress in my career as well as showed Indonesian culture and taught me some life skills (such as how to make sambal). I am so grateful to have worked with such intelligent, funny and kind people. Thank you so much for allowing me to intern at Konsil. (AJ)

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