In the last few weeks, there has been widespread reporting in the national media about sexual violence. This was promoted by the netizen campaign #YYadalahkita(YY is us) in social media. This
campaign is about the issue of a junior high school girl in Bengkulu who was found dead after being raped by 14 men. The rape was vicious and sadly seven of the perpetrators were under age.
A quick response came from various institutions, and they are maintaining a campaign about this issue. They also noted this is not only about the girl in Bengkulu but that a lot of women are subjected to sexual violence everyday. This is reflected in the data of National Commission for Women in 2015: that every two hours three Indonesian women were becoming the victims of sexual violence. So there is urgency that a proposed bill regarding the elimination of sexual violence is discussed in Parliament soon.
Another issue that is being discussed is the emasculated punishment of suspects. This punishment is considered as appropriate for the sexual violence cases.President Joko Widodo has stated that sexual violence is an extraordinary crime that requires tough laws and harsh punishment. However, we shouldn’t forget that the sexual violence investigations are often concluded ed by the police and do not go to trial. According to the National Comission for Woman only a minority of cases are found proven as sexual violence case, with the suspect receiving punishment.
So, beside the discourse about the punishment, another thing that is important to consider is the preventive actions and giving the assistance to the victims. This is what the bill about elimination of sexual violence tell us and, is reflected in the messages from #Yyadalahkita: Do not leave the victims to struggle by themselves; Everyone has to be against sexual violence and everyone has to talk openly about the possibility of sexual violence happening.
In conclusion, the law about sexual violence cases, must be looked at comprehensively. Not only about how to put out fires, but also the root of the problems so we can avoid any similar cases that might happen in the future. Another things that we have to keep in mind that the sexual violence is not only about rape, click here, to see other forms of sexual violence, as mentioned by the National Commission for Women.
Talking about sexual violence is hard, some of the victims and their families feel disgrace about it. However, if it always being ignored, the subject will be around us and it is likely that there will be more victims. Konsil LSM condemn any forms of sexual violence as mandated of Code of Ethics Konsil LSM, in article 4 “Respect for Human Right”, article 13 “Anti-Violence” and in this case as related to children also in the article 16 “Best interest of the child”. The sexual violence is not only about one individual that become the victim but also about the nature of human life and society
Pekan terakhir ini media nasional tengah ramai membicarakan isu kekerasan seksual. Awal mulanya dari aksi ramai netizen yang mengangkat isu #Yyadalahkita, seorang gadis SMP di Bengkulu yang ditemukan tewas setelah mengalami pemerkosaan dari 14 pria. Tentu saja, kita tidak bisa membayangkan betapa kejinya hal yang telah dilakukan mereka, dan 7 dari mereka berada dibawah umur.
Pergerakan cepat dari berbagai lembaga perlindungan perempuan, terus menerus mengangkat isu ini. Ya tidak hanya Yuyun, tetapi banyak perempuan lainnya yang mengalami kekerasan seksual setiap harinya. Menurut Data Komnas Perempuan pada 2015, setiap dua jam sekali, tiga perempuan Indonesia menjadi korban kekerasan seksual. Sehingga urgensi mengenai RUU penghapusan kekerasan seksual yang mengatur penanganan pada kasus pelecahan seksual sampai penyiksaan seksual untuk segera dibahas di DPR.
Selain itu hal lain yang menjadi perbicangan adalah hukuman kebiri bagi para pelaku. Hukuman ini dianggap sesuai bagi kasus kekerasan seksual yang telah ditetapkan sebagai kejahatan luar biasa. Namun jangan lupa bahwa permasalahan kasus kekerasan seksual seringkali terhenti saat penyedikan, menurut Komnas Perempuan sedikit sekali kasus yang dapat dibuktikan sebagai kekerasan seksual, acap kali kasus ini terhenti di kepolisian atau diselesaikan secara kekeluargaan.
Sehingga jangan lupa selain hukuman bagi pelaku, hal lain yang sangat penting adalah upaya pencegahan sampai pendampingan terhadap korban. Jangan sampai korban dibiarkan berjuang sendiri, bukankah itu yang dimaknai dari #Yyadalahkita. Semua harus melawan, semua harus berbicara, hilangkan peluang sekecil apapun akan kemungkinan terjadinya kasus kekerasan seksual.
Pengaturan mengenai kasus kekerasan seksual memang harus dilihat secara komprehensif, tidak hanya mematikan api, tetapi sumber permasalahannya dan mengurangi tingkat kekerasan seksual secara umum. Selain itu hal lain yang harus kita ingat bersama-sama bahwa kekerasan seksual tidak hanya terbatas kepada pemerkosaan, klik disini untuk melihat bentuk-bentuk kekerasan seksual sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh KOMNAS Perempuan.
Berbicara mengenai kekerasan seksual memang terkadang sulit, beberapa korban menganggapnya sebagai aib. Akan tetapi jika dibiarkan, pelaku akan terus berkeliaran dan bukan tidak mungkin muncul korban selanjutnya? Konsil LSM mengutuk segala bentuk kekerasan seksual sesuai amanat dalam prinsip-prinsip kode etik Konsil LSM pasal 4 menghormati hak asasi manusia, pasal 13 yaitu anti-kekerasan, serta dalam kasus ini terkait dengan anak-anak di bawah umur yaitu pasal 16 tentang kepentingan terbaik untuk anak. Bentuk kekerasan seksual bukan hanya tentang individu yang menjadi korban tetapi tentang hakikat hidup manusia.